We received very positive feedback following our participation in the Men Against Domestic Violence concert. It was wonderful to be a part of this show as it gave us a focus for practice, provided an opportunity for mixing with other choirs, and we shone.
Thank you Rosalie and Elena for your professional support. Terry also added something unique with his digeridoo for “Kakadu”.
Following the concert Rosalie announced she would take leave until she returns from Hawaii late October, a total of 8 weeks. Her health situation remains troublesome and she wants to be able to enjoy her holiday so taking a rest from BelCanto will hopefully help with her healing.
The Ba’Hai celebration on 21st October is providing a focus for learning new songs and we are looking forward to this performance. Thank you Margaret for your wonderful support conducting.
Thanks go to Ivan and Sue for supporting Margaret who because of her health challenges does not want to conduct the whole 2 hours of our practice session.
At our meeting today we will work out dates for Christmas carols at Bunbury Plaza during December. Through Lyn Teede’s partner Peter we have been offered paid gigs which will provide a further performance focus to work on Christmas carols. This focus is most helpful as it feeds motivation and will help our finances. Thank you Lyn.
Some of our members will attend the Dunsborough Songfest in November.
Thank you to everyone on the committee and in the choir for your steadfast attendance and support for the choir during these challenging times.
Judyth Salom