What a whirlwind life can be.
After 24 years living and working in Bunbury and raising four children with my wonderful husband George, I found myself at a bit of a loss when they left home.
Twelve months ago I took the step of phoning Judyth Salom former President of the Bel Canto Singers to find out more about it and to see if I could come along and see if it would suit me. I have had no formal singing training, I did learn acoustic guitar as a child but regretfully did not keep it up but I have always loved to sing whether it be walking around our farm as a child, through choir at school or just singing along with Sherbet and Skyhooks record albums.
Now I find myself the new President of the Bel Canto Singers and leading a fantastic new Committee that will excite, engage and grow this wonderful community choir into the future.
Having a whole new committee can have its own challenges and I am sure we will have some in the coming months but by working together toward the same goal of a successful flourishing community choir we can achieve some great things.
We have a new Musical Director – Suzanne Leclair who is bright and bubbly and always has a smile on her face. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience and a sense of fun that lends itself to a most enjoyable evening of song. She has managed to get more out of us as a choir than even we thought possible and we are sounding great.
Louise Bradford is our new young talented Accompanist who is a joy and we are so lucky to have her. Her musical ability is second to none and she gets so excited for us when we hit those perfect notes. She stretches our voices in warmups sneaking us up a little higher or down a little lower each week.
If you are someone who loves to sing come and try us out. You are entitled to three visits before deciding if it is for you.
We are a non-auditioned choir who love to sing, perform and socialise together. We hold practice every Tuesday evening from 7-9 pm at St Augustine’s Church hall, 119 Mangles Street Bunbury.
I can be contacted on 0428 214 345 or you can speak with our Secretary Anne on 0438 089 392 for further information.
Lorraine English
Bel Canto Singers Inc
“The only thing better than singing is more singing.
Ella Fitzgerald”